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The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no. 7: Freedom of Information laws in Central Europe resemble a game of Whack-a-Mole 

Access to public information is one of the most important checks on power for journalists and citizens alike. In theory, all Central European countries have a transparency law, but in practice, they do not always […]

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no. 7: Freedom of Information laws in Central Europe resemble a game of Whack-a-Mole 

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no. 6: Vicious attacks force journalists to self-censor across the eastern part of the EU

Journalism is under attack worldwide. The trend, worsened by the Covid-19 pandemic and the anger surrounding it, has been amplified by politicians inciting hate against those who criticize them. Across the eastern part of the […]

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no. 6: Vicious attacks force journalists to self-censor across the eastern part of the EU

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no. 5: How EU countries spy on their citizens 

Independent media in Hungary revealed that the autocratic Viktor Orban regime secretly purchased the Pegasus spyware, commonly used by governments on journalists, activists, and political opponents. The same spyware was used extensively in Poland to […]

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no. 5: How EU countries spy on their citizens 

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no4. Healthcare corruption part II 

Tens of thousands of Hungarians are on long medical waiting lists due to backlogs in a corrupt healthcare system. Investigative reporters found the Hungarian government of Vikctor Orban spent hundreds of millions of euros on […]

The Organised Crime and Corruption Watch—regional edition no4. Healthcare corruption part II 

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